Green Goblin (LAB) v2
The Green Goblin, as portrayed by Willem Dafoe in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, is a tragic and terrifying antagonist. Norman Osborn, a brilliant but desperate scientist, tests an experimental serum on himself, gaining superhuman strength, agility, and intellect at the cost of his sanity. His split personality emerges as the Green Goblin, a ruthless and deranged villain who becomes Spider-Man's first true nemesis.
Flying on his advanced glider and armed with deadly pumpkin bombs, the Goblin seeks to dominate New York while challenging Spider-Man both physically and emotionally. Dafoe’s portrayal captures the perfect mix of charisma, menace, and insanity, making the Green Goblin one of Marvel’s most unforgettable cinematic villains.
Details and Features:
- Custom Lego Minifigure
- From Let's Go
- Pad printed
**Item expected to be ready in end June 2025**
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