My Neighbour Totoro


My Neighbour Totoro is an animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, produced by Toru Hara and animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten. The film, which is set Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, tells the story of a professor's two young daughters (Satsuki and Mei) and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in post-war rural Japan. 

The minifigure set depicts two of the main characters Mei and Totoro in the bus stop. The premium set in addition comes with two other Totoros and the iconic catbus. 

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Details and Features:

  • Custom Lego Minifigure
  • From Dmade
  • Pad printed
  • Custom moulded and handpainted

**Waiting time for minifigure is about 7-8 weeks**