McDonaldland is a fictional fantasy world and media franchise created by McDonald's, featuring Ronald McDonald and his whimsical group of friends. The series primarily focuses on Ronald and his most iconic companions: Grimace, the Hamburglar, and Birdie the Early Bird.
Grimace is a lovable character with an insatiable love for McDonald’s shakes, embodying cheerful indulgence. The Hamburglar, a mischievous yet endearing thief, is fixated on stealing hamburgers, often leading to playful antics with Ronald and the gang. Birdie the Early Bird, introduced to promote McDonald’s breakfast menu, represents the brand’s morning offerings and appeals to younger audiences with her enthusiastic and optimistic personality.
Details and Features:
- Custom Lego Minifigure
- From Yeah Brick
- UV printed
- Custom moulded head and accessories
**Waiting time for minifigure is about 7-8 weeks**
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